Monday, November 11, 2013

Why I Haven't Been Posting

It's November 11th and I still haven't posted a blog post this week. I haven't been anywhere except for home and still, I haven't posted anything. So I have no excuse.

Truthfully, I haven't really given much thought at all to this blog. I suppose it's been an out of sight, out of mind sort of thing. I literally didn't think of it at all. I had other things to write about, novels and short stories that have been going really well. Because of this, I didn't even think about my blog. Plus, I've been busy lately and time flies when you're busy, I suppose.

Then I looked at the calendar. It was November 11th. And then I thought, "Wow, it must be a while since I've posted a blog post." Surely, I had posted at least one post, though, right? I had thought. Wrong. To my horror, I hadn't posted since October.

So no excuses. I just haven't been posting. Even if no one else cares and no one else is reading this, it breaks my own commitment to myself. Writing on this blog is me testing out my writing muscles and when I fail to do that, I am not exercising those certain muscles.

Guess I better get posting.

1 comment:

  1. frankly, you do a very good job posting! have you noticed that this is your 100th post this year? congrats, that's no small feat!
