Saturday, July 13, 2013

Coming Home

 Hello, hello, dear readers. Long time no write on this blog for me. And that's because I've been at camp for the past two weeks just writing, writing, writing away.

But no more. Now, I'm actually home. Home after two weeks away from home.

Already, it's so strange. It's like I have to assimilate into an entirely new culture somehow because home is so different than camp. It's like a different culture.

Of course, I was happy in a way to come home. How couldn't I be? I loved camp and all of our super fun experiences and everything and sometimes, there was so much going on there was no time to think. And yet at night, I would think of my family. Or the longing would settle so deeply in my chest when I would talk to them that I just couldn't breathe. I was having the time of my life but my, did I miss them so. They were (are) my world and I was living without them.

And yet... At the same time, I was finding myself in that camp. I was able to be myself among people and that was a learning experience for me. I was also having the time of my life, using all of the opportunities I was given the best that I could. I got to talk to R.L. Stine for God's sake! The most important people of The New York Times! My group and I got to talk to some of the cast of Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, Sleeping Beauty (the ballet)... And wow! The people there were fabulous, the activities were fabulous and I learned so much writing wise too. I had to tear myself away from it and, even though I missed everyone, I didn't want to go. It's hard to have the best two weeks of your life end, to leave the people you're so close to.

Home is so different. I'm having to adjust to a slower paced way of life, more monitoring, etc. But at the same time, in many ways, I'm glad to be back (my rats are certainly glad I'm back). Even adjusting from the cities to the suburbs is incredibly difficult.

And, of course, in addition to being back home, I'm back on the blog too.

So here I am. I'm back. I'm home.

This was the program:

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